The iMarketing group of companies recognize the importance of an individual’s right to keep personally identifiable information private. This Privacy Policy outlines how we manage your personal information and safeguard the privacy of individuals.


iMarketing collects personal information from individuals (referred to as “consumers” or “donors” throughout this document) through fundraising and marketing services conducted on behalf of our clients over the telephone, via email and/or direct mail. Concisely, “personal information” means information about an identifiable individual. This may include information relating to your support of or donations to iMarketing’s clients.

iMarketing is a service provider to charitable, non-profit organizations and associations representing non-profits working in a variety of areas including health, education, social service, environment, humanitarian, religious, advocacy and political causes. It is also a service provider to political organizations, candidates and parties and to other service providers in the fundraising industry. In the course of performing services for its clients, iMarketing collects, uses, and discloses your personal information only to the extent necessary to allow iMarketing to provide service to its clients and for the purposes set out below. For example, iMarketing may use records provided by its client, or obtained via telephone book-type records or other publicly available records (as permitted by applicable law), to ask you for and process a charitable donation on behalf of that client. Another example is that iMarketing may use records supplied by a political organization or other publicly available data to canvass or solicit your political support on behalf of a client. In addition, iMarketing may use personal information that you voluntarily provide relating to fundraising and your support of our clients to support future donation campaigns. If a donor chooses to make a donation to one of our clients, we also give the donor the opportunity to provide to us with credit card or other banking information to complete the donation transaction.

Specifically, we collect, use, retain, and disclose personal information for the following purposes:

a) to provide fundraising and/or marketing services to our clients, including to make telephone calls, emails, direct mail and the sharing of list data;

b) to secure and process donations, memberships and related transactions;

c) to understand, anticipate and act upon the current and future needs of donors/consumers and clients;

d) to analyze and manage our business, and to allow our clients to better analyze and manage their business; and

e) to protect us and our clients against error, fraud and other criminal activity.

We limit the collection, use, retention and disclosure of personal information to that which is needed to achieve these purposes.


We will not sell, rent or trade your personal information, nor (unless required by law) distribute your personal information, to anyone other than:

  • our clients;
  • our affiliated companies and third parties that we use or retain to assist us to provide the services we provide to our clients; and
  • financial institutions in connection with processing credit card or other financial transactions relating to charitable/political donations or sales orders.

Our clients, our affiliated companies and our third party service providers may be located outside Canada and subject to local laws. The countries in which these companies are or may be located include The United States of America, The Philippines, and the countries of the European Union.

When your personal information is no longer required for the purposes set out above (or for applicable statutory requirements), iMarketing will destroy or render this information non-identifiable (that is, alter the information so that it cannot be traced back to or associated with a specific individual).

iMarketing has taken appropriate measures and employs safeguards designed to secure and protect the confidentiality of your personal information. At each of the physical and virtual sites where this information is stored, iMarketing has employed reasonable security measures and employee access and use policies to protect against the theft, loss, misuse or alteration of your personal information. However, it is important to note that any information transmitted over the Internet can be intercepted by third parties. As such, iMarketing cannot and does not assume any liability for the theft, loss, misuse or alteration of any personal information transmitted over the Internet.

We do send out email (with prior consent) that allows consumers/donors to make their donation on a secure website / online payment portal. In some cases these are sites that iMarketing has set up and we ourselves retrieve the information. In some cases we request that the donor directly visit our clients’ website to make the donation, and if you do so you will be subject to their privacy policy.

We limit access to personal information to those employees and third parties who specifically need the information for the limited purpose of conducting their responsibilities in order to meet our client service commitments. In addition, we provide training and communications programs designed to educate employees about the requirements of our Privacy Policy. Further, we require by contract that the third parties we select as our business partners abide by this Privacy Policy and with applicable privacy legislation and regulations.


iMarketing has a strict “no spam” policy. If you have received an email from us on behalf of one of our clients, it is because you provided your email address and consent to either iMarketing or our client to receive subsequent email initiatives from, or on behalf of, that client. All such emails contain a clear “opt-out” option. If you chose to opt-out, iMarketing will promptly remove your email address from all further email communications on behalf of that client.


If you would prefer not to receive future calls, emails and/or direct mailing from iMarketing or one of our clients, please contact iMarketing’s Privacy Officer (please see below for contact information).


We appreciate your assistance in keeping your personal information up to date and accurate. You are entitled to access, verify, amend and/or correct your personal information collected by iMarketing. You may to contact our Privacy Officer by mail at the address below to verify, correct or update your personal information:

In Canada:

Privacy Officer
iMarketing Solutions Group
90 Eglinton Avenue West, Suite 300
Toronto, Ontario M4R 2E4

In the U.S.:

Privacy Officer
iMarketing Aquistion, LLC

Upon receiving your request, we will tell you what personal information we hold about you and whether a reasonable charge may apply to your request. All requests will be provided within thirty days of receipt. Some information may not be accessed in certain circumstances, such as if it refers to others or cannot be disclosed for legal reasons. Any incorrect or incomplete information will be corrected promptly.

If you have a concern regarding the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information by iMarketing, please contact our Privacy Officer. Your concern will be investigated and you will be notified as soon as possible of the outcome of the investigation and any action required as a result.


This policy, as amended from time to time, has been adopted by iMarketing as of August 2016. All policies and procedures of iMarketing are reviewed periodically and, as such, we may change our Privacy Policy from time to time. Please check our website for the most current version of this policy.

For more information about your personal privacy rights under Canada’s Personal Information and Electronic Documents Act, contact the Privacy Commissioner of Canada at www.privcom.gc.ca or by calling 1.800.282.1376.

In Quebec, contact the Commission d’accès à l’information du Quebec at 1.888.528.7741 or cai.communications @cai.gouv.qc.ca.

iMarketing Solutions Group is a registered trademark in Canada of IMKT Direct Solutions Corporation and an unregistered trademark in the United States.

Last updated August 2016


iMarketing is committed to providing a barrier-free environment for our clients, employees, job applicants, suppliers, visitors, and other stakeholders who enter our premises or access our information. As an organization, we respect and uphold the requirements set forth under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (2005), Customer Service Standard, and the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation for Information and Communications, Employment, and Transportation, and eventually, for the Built Environment.

Approximately 1.8 million Ontarians lives with a disability, and as the population grows older, this number will also increase. Our organization has made a commitment to accessibility for everyone who uses our services because this makes good business sense, and it is also a legal obligation. Our organization has an important responsibility for ensuring a safe, dignified, and welcoming environment for everyone. We are committed to ensuring our organization’s compliance with accessibility legislation by incorporating policies, procedures, equipment requirements, training for employees, and best practices. We will review these policies and practices on a regular basis. Our commitment to making our organization accessible to everyone includes the integration of accessibility legislation with our policies, procedures, programs, and training. We are committed to reviewing and incorporating the following information with our employees:

  • Legislation regarding the Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005.
  • Integrated Accessibility Standards for Information and Communications, Employment, and Transportation.
  • Accessible employment practices such as recruitment, assessment, and selection.
  • Developing emergency response plans and individual workplace accommodation plans for employees with disabilities.
  • Customer service standards.
  • Accessible communication supports and information formats (both digital and non-digital).
  • Communicating with people with various forms of disabilities.
    Accessible websites and web content.
  • Assistive devices, mobility aids, service animals and support persons.
  • Transportation vehicles and equipment requirements.
  • Notices of service disruptions (temporary or long-term).
  • Policies and procedures regarding accessibility.
  • Reporting procedures.
  • Standards for the Built Environment.
  • Training procedures.

We understand that providing accessible and barrier-free environments for everyone is a shared effort. As a community, all businesses and services must work together to make accessibility happen.

Additional Documentation

Statement of our commitment to accessibility

AODA Integrated accessibility Standards Regulation

Accessibility Customer Service Policy

Accessibility Standards – Our multi-year plan

For more detailed information on our accessibility policies, plans, and training programs, please contact our Human Resources Department.